Redcat Pride!

About this blog.

This blog is for the 2014-2015 freshmen citizenship class at Bay View High School in Mr. Dunbeck's sections. Here you will find updates on home work assignments, copies of homework assignments, practice tests, links to videos shown in class, hints for tests and occasional extra credit assignments. Be sure to check this site regularly in order to make sure you are up-to-date on all assignments for this class, especially if you are absent.

While checking this site is optional, though highly recommended, you are REQUIRED to have a copy of the Citizenship textbook. It is also important that you regularly attend class to keep up with lectures, notes, discussion, videos, etc. Find out why you are here.

Verbal Kwest - Crazy Streets

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Capitalism & Consumer Sovereignty

April 21st, 2015
Warm Up

Explain how your family fits into the circular flow of economic activity.

Learning Objective:  Students will understand their role in answering the 3 basic questions every economic system must be able to solve for.

Success Criteria:   Students can explain how consumer sovereignty and the profit motive shape our economy.

Notes are strongly encouraged.

Today's lesson is about how to use an app called Buycott to fully use our ability to shape the economy through the use of consumer sovereignty.

To be on target to complete our packets for the test, you should take your packets home today and complete the review page on page 13 and anything else you still need to finish.

Packets are due Friday.

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