Redcat Pride!

About this blog.

This blog is for the 2014-2015 freshmen citizenship class at Bay View High School in Mr. Dunbeck's sections. Here you will find updates on home work assignments, copies of homework assignments, practice tests, links to videos shown in class, hints for tests and occasional extra credit assignments. Be sure to check this site regularly in order to make sure you are up-to-date on all assignments for this class, especially if you are absent.

While checking this site is optional, though highly recommended, you are REQUIRED to have a copy of the Citizenship textbook. It is also important that you regularly attend class to keep up with lectures, notes, discussion, videos, etc. Find out why you are here.

Verbal Kwest - Crazy Streets

Sunday, November 23, 2014

New Group Work Format

Starting this week our civics class is being revamped to focus on more cooperative learning and individual assessment.

Notes will be much shorter and information will now be learned more through cooperative learning.  The vast majority of work will be done in class with fewer homework assignments.

Students will be placed in groups of 3 - 4 students assigned by myself and will work together to work through packets to gain an understanding of how the three branches of our government work.  Packets will remain in the class until the unit is finished.  Only then will students be allowed to remove them from the classroom.

Each student in the group will serve one of four roles:

Retriever: gets group folder with groups packets inside

Ambassador: checks groups answers for assigned pages with the teacher

Checker: makes sure everyone in your group has the same answers

Engineer: returns packets and all materials to the teacher, makes sure group area is clean.


For every 15 points earned each member gets 1 piece of candy.

Points can only be earned, not lost.

Examples of reasons points will given out include (but are not limited to):
  • Group working well together
  • Everyone pulling their weight in a group
  • Great answers
  • Group not adding to the disruptions of other groups
  • Group's packets are picked up on time
  • Group's packets are put away at turned in at end of class and area is left clean & in order
  • Any other reason the teacher decides
Examples of behaviors that can keep your group from earning points include (but are not limited to):
  • Disrupting other groups
  • Talking to members of other groups during work time
  • Throwing things
  • Writing on desks
  • Being disrespectful
  • Not working
  • Relying on only 1 member to do all the work
  • A group member not following directions
  • Any other reason the teacher decides

*****Classwork is done in a group, but all testing is done individually*****

***You are responsible for making sure you know all the material in your packets***


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