Redcat Pride!

About this blog.

This blog is for the 2014-2015 freshmen citizenship class at Bay View High School in Mr. Dunbeck's sections. Here you will find updates on home work assignments, copies of homework assignments, practice tests, links to videos shown in class, hints for tests and occasional extra credit assignments. Be sure to check this site regularly in order to make sure you are up-to-date on all assignments for this class, especially if you are absent.

While checking this site is optional, though highly recommended, you are REQUIRED to have a copy of the Citizenship textbook. It is also important that you regularly attend class to keep up with lectures, notes, discussion, videos, etc. Find out why you are here.

Verbal Kwest - Crazy Streets

Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Weekend

As you are enjoying your weekend remember you can play the review games by downloading the free Zondle app for you phone and using your log in information created in class!  You can also play on a computer by clicking on the review games link on the side of this page.  

As an added bonus I added a stream of updates so you can see what others are doing on the site!

Reminder: any username other than your s# has had its access to the review questions for my class removed.  If you did not follow instructions you will have to create a new account with your s#.  See me for details.

Mid-Unit Review!

February 27th, 2015

Warm Up

1. What is the role of the media in our society?

2. How does the media make money?

Learning Objective: Students will review what we have learned so far.

Success Criteria: Students can successfully complete the review games.

Today we are 1/2 way through our unit on political parties, public opinion, and mass media.  As such it is a good idea to check your understanding thus far with some review games of test questions you should be able to answer by now.


  1. Log on to chromebooks
    1. username: your
    2. password: your school password
  2. go to
    1. if you created an account last time log on using
      1. username: your s#
      2. password: your school password
    2. if you have not created an account as for a handout with directions
  3. use of the chromebooks for anything other than checking your grades or playing the review games provided for you will result in loss of chromebook privileges.  

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Guest Speakers

February 26th, 2015

Warm Up

1. What is the role of the media in our society?

2. How does the media make money?

Learning Objective: Students will understand the importance of civic engagement.

Success Criteria: Students can explain how to be an active member of our democracy.

Today We took a break from our regular lessons to listen to the messages of two guest speakers.  The first, Sean Orr, who helps organize Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) at various schools around Milwaukee & Racine, came to promote the new chapter of YES at Bay View.  

The second, Kathy Arciszewski, a former elected member of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors (the legislature for our county) and community advocate who promotes civic engagement in communities.

Packet work graded

Just an update.  Last night I went through all your packets and corrected what has been completed.  The vast majority of students and groups are FAR behind where they need to be to finish on schedule.  We only have a few more days left of working on this current packet before they are due.  Make sure you make the most of your class work time!

As a side note, several students are not keeping their packets in their groups folders. If you are not keeping your work in class like directed and lose your work, you will be required to start from the beginning of a new packet.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Chapter 11 Section 2 The Mass Media

February 25th, 2015

Warm Up

What are the 4 sources of public opinion, which has the biggest influence over what you believe, and why?

Learning Objective: Students will understand the role of the media in our system.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to explain the dangers of the media not fulfilling its role.

I. What is mass media?

  • any form of communication that reaches a lot of people
II. What special role does the media have in our democracy?

  • watchdogs of democracy
    • if the government does something wrong they are supposed to let us know because they don't have prior restraint (the requirement to ask the government permission to publish/write something)
III. How does the media decide what to show us?

Read Chapter 11 Section 2: The Mass Media and in your groups complete pages 8 of your packets today.  When complete with a page, have your ambassador check it with me.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Chapter 11 Section 1 Forming Public Opinion

February 23rd, 2015

Warm Up

What are the 4 factors that create public opinion?  Which one influences opinion the most?

Learning Objective: Students will understand what public opinion is.

Success Criteria: Students can explain how public opinion is formed.

Read Chapter 11 Section 1: Forming Public Opinion and complete pages 6 & 7 of your packet.  Once you complete it, have your ambassador get it checked off by me.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Public Opinion & Mass Media

February 23rd, 2015

Warm Up

Describe how political parties help candidates get elected.

Learning Objective: Students will understand what public opinion is.

Success Criteria: Students can explain how public opinion is formed and how it is used in our system.

Public Opinion

Public Opinion: How people feel about specific issues or people.

I. What creates it?

  1. personal background: your life experiences
  2. mass media: what you hear, read, see on tv/radio/internet/books/newspapers, etc.
  3. public officials: what political leaders, or leaders in the community say
  4. public interest groups:groups that intentionally try to change the way we think about things
II. Why is it useful?
  • who do politicians work for? how do they know what we want them to do?

What does this tell us about likelihood of politicians supporting legalization in the future?

What do they poll?


III. What do politicians want to know about it?
  • 3 features of public opinion
    1. direction: do people like/agree with it or dislike/disagree with it
      • if you like it politicians are more likely to do it. why?
    2. intensity: how strongly do people feel about it
      • why would they want to know how strongly people feel?
    3. stability: how likely people are to change their minds
      • why would politicians want to know how likely you are to change your feelings?

IV. What is mass media?
  • any method that allows communication with a lot of people at once
V. How much influence does it have?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chapter 9 Section 2: Role of Political Parties Today

February 20th, 2015

Warm Up

Explain the purpose of a primary and contrast an open primary to a closed primary.

Learning Objective: Students will understand the role of political parties in our system.

Success Criteria: Students can explain the 6 roles of political parties & how they help candidates get elected.

Read Chapter 9 Section 2: Roles of Political Parties Today and complete pages 4 & 5 of your packet.  Remember to have your ambassador get the page checked by me when completed.

Dream Big Dreams

Today due to a low attendance we watched and discussed the role of Vel Phillips in our city, state, nation, and history.  I highly recommend you watch the documentary linked below to learn more about the first African-American and first woman to serve on the Milwaukee Common Council (our city's legislature).

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Political Parties Notes

February 18th, 2015

Warm Up

How can knowing a candidate's political party help you know if you want to vote for them?

Learning Objective: Students will understand the key differences between Democrats and Republicans & how they pick their candidates for office.

Success Criteria: Students can compare and contrast the platforms of the two main political parties and describe the primary system.

Republicans v Democrats

What do we know about Republicans? Democrats?

I. Republicans/conservatives/the right
  • not fans for change, like stable predictable 
  • people need to take care of themselves (government just needs to get out of their way)
    • too much help from the government makes them lazy and dependent on the government
  • prefer small government & low taxes
    • you earned the money, you should get to keep it
    • this means less benefits programs (food stamps, social security, etc.)

II. Democrats/liberals/the left
  • want change, doesn't accept things the way they are
  • people can take care of themselves, but need a helping hand from time to time
    • we're in this together
  • this means larger government, more spending, more taxes
III. Primary system
  • direct primary: an election used by a political party to pick a candidate for office

    • closed primary: only party members can vote in the election 
    • open primary: anyone can vote in the election

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Reminder: 2-3 paragraph opinion essay on "12 Angry Men" due Tuesday

Do not forget, you must turn in your 2-3 paragraph opinion essay on the movie 12 Angry Men on Tuesday.  Instructions can be found on a previous post below.  The handout with directions and the grading rubric can be found in that post or under "Packets" on the right-hand side of this page.

Chapter 9 Section 1: Development of Political Parties

February 17th, 2015

Warm Up

Define plank & platform.

Learning Objective:  Students will understand what a political party is.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to explain how knowing a candidate's political party can aid them in voting.


political party: a group that shares common interests and organize together to win elections

plank: an official idea or position that is supported by members of a political party

platform: a collection of all the planks of a political party, tells voters what the party believes in

plank v. platform

The planks of wood create the platform you stand on for your back porch the same way the planks of a political party come together to create a platform that they "stand" on so voters know who to vote for even if they don't know the candidate personally.

Read Chapter 9 Section 1 for more details.  Complete page 3 by end of class.
Have your group ambassador check it with me when completed.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Political Parties Vocabulary Preview

February 13th, 2015

Learning Objective: Students will become familiar with new vocabulary from the upcoming unit.

Success Criteria:  Students will be able to define the vocabulary from our political parties unit.

Today we will be playing games to become familiar with new vocabulary words.  You may or may not know these words already.  You will learn them from trial and error as you play the review games created for you.  These are the actual definitions you will be seeing on the test at the end of this unit.

Zondle Games
You may play any of the review games assigned to you on after signing up for a free account (see instructions that will be handed out to you)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire

Speed Match

Homework posted

Now that we've finished 12 Angry Men it's time for you homework.  You are required to write a 2-3 paragraph opinion essay about the movie.  The first paragraph should be a summary of the movie's plot.  The second a detailed opinion on whether you like it, hated it, or didn't care.  It does not matter as long you give a detail explanation for your answer.  The optional third paragraph (required if you want an AD) will be a detailed recommendation on whether or not I should show this movie again next year.  Click the image below for a detailed grading rubric and instructions for this assignment. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

12 Angry Men Part III

February 6th, 2015

Warm Up Question

Recap what has happened in the movie so far.

Learning Objective:  Students will understand the importance of critical thinking in our democracy.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to explain why critical thinking skills are essential for our legal system to function properly.

  1. Explain who is on trial and for what.
  2. How seriously were most of the jurors taking their civic duty as jurors at the beginning of the film?
  3. Explain how racism and prejudice interfered with the legal system in this case.
  4. What was the evidence against the defendant in this case?
  5. Based on the events in this movie, why is it so important to be able to think critically in a democracy that depends on ordinary citizens to decide the guilt or innocence of others?
  6. Do you believe the 12 jurors ultimately came to the correct verdict?  Explain your answer.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

12 Angry Men Part II

February 10th, 2015

Warm Up Question

Recap what has happened in the movie so far.

Learning Objective:  Students will understand the importance of critical thinking in our democracy.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to explain why critical thinking skills are essential for our legal system to function properly.

  1. Explain who is on trial and for what.
  2. How seriously were most of the jurors taking their civic duty as jurors at the beginning of the film?
  3. Explain how racism and prejudice interfered with the legal system in this case.
  4. What was the evidence against the defendant in this case?
  5. Based on the events in this movie, why is it so important to be able to think critically in a democracy that depends on ordinary citizens to decide the guilt or innocence of others?
  6. Do you believe the 12 jurors ultimately came to the correct verdict?  Explain your answer.

Monday, February 9, 2015

12 Angry Men

February 9th, 2015

Warm Up Question:  

Why is it important for citizens to be able to think critically?

Grades are updated.  Lack of packets completed/turned in really hurt a lot of you.

If you missed the test you have until next Tuesday to make it up before it is entered as a failed test.

Softball tomorrow after school in 414.

Youth Empowered in the Struggle meeting this Thursday to discuss problems in our school & communities and how to fix them together.

Learning Objective:  Students will understand the importance of critical thinking in our democracy.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to explain why critical thinking skills are essential for our legal system to function properly.

Watch the classic movie 12 Angry Men (embedded below) and answer the questions on the movie below in as much detail as you can.  Find out why due process of law and taking your responsibilities as a citizen are so important!

  1. Explain who is on trial and for what.
  2. How seriously were most of the jurors taking their civic duty as jurors at the beginning of the film? Explain.
  3. Explain how racism and prejudice interfered with the legal system in this case.
  4. What was the evidence against the defendant in this case?
  5. Based on the events in this movie, why is it so important to be able to think critically in a democracy that depends on ordinary citizens to decide the guilt or innocence of others?
  6. Do you believe the 12 jurors ultimately came to the correct verdict?  Explain your answer.

Friday, February 6, 2015

America's Broken Prison System

February 6th, 2015

Warm Up

Answer the best you can.

What does for-profit mean?

Why are most people in prison in our country?

Why do people commit crimes again after being in prison?

Learning Objective:  Students will understand problems within our prison system.

Success Criteria: Students can explain and defend their opinions regarding the American prison system.

Today we will be doing something different.  No group work, no reading, no writing.  Instead we will try to watch a video and discuss the concepts in it like adults.  If successful, we will have more days like this.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Review Day!

February 4th, 2015

Warm Up Question

Compare & contrast the justice system for adults and juveniles.  (Minimum of 2 examples each)

Reminder: Thursday after school informational session on Saturday's Save Our School Rally for extra credit!

Softball information meeting room 414 Tuesday after school.

Learning Objective: Students will understand how our justice systems works in civil & criminal cases.

Success Criteria: Students can explain the basic steps of going through the legal system in both civil and criminal cases along with their rights and problems with our systems.

As part of our review you will be able to play either the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" or "Speed Match" review game on their chromebooks they check out, or they will complete their packets or a note card for tomorrow's test.

If you master the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" review game, you will then be selected to try the other games on the Smartboard or the teacher's laptop with additional review questions.

Click the image to the right for "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"

Click the image to the right for "Speed Match"

Packets are due tomorrow!!!!!!!

Catch Up Day

February 3rd, 2015

Warm Up

What is the message this artist is trying to send?

Thursday after school information meeting about Saturday's Save Our Schools Strategy Session.

Next week softball meeting after school room 414.

Learning Objective: Students can get caught up on any assigned packet pages.

Success Criteria: Students will be able to explain the critical thinking concepts from the packet.

Use today to finish your packets!  If you are caught up through page 11, complete pages 12 & 13, otherwise complete those at home.

Packets may be taken home today, are pages must be completed and turned in by
 Thursday, February 5th, 2015.